Why a Diagnosis Makes a Difference For Infertility Patients?

Why a Diagnosis Makes a Difference For Infertility Patients?


Thousands of couples are reaching out for medical assistance every year because of their inability to conceive a child through the natural course. Infertility can be loosely defined as a reduced capacity to conceive than the average capacity of the general population.Infertility is a common condition that can affect both males and females. You can reach out to any fertility clinic in Siliguri for a proper diagnosis.

Table of contents:

  1. Clinical evaluation of the infertile couple
  2. Infertility Testing
  3. Critical evaluation of the diagnosis of infertility

Clinical evaluation of the infertile couple

The specific definition of infertility is the couple’s inability to conceive a child even after a year of having regular unprotected sex.Fecundability is the rate of conception that occurs in a population in a given period of time. The average conception rate on a monthly basis of normal fertile couples is approximately 20%.

Infertile couples can be categorized into two groups; those who are unable to concive without medical attention and those who are hypo fertile, who, with time, may conceive without additional help. The first category may include women with complete tubal occlusion or anovulation and azoospermic men.  The second category includes women with mild endometriosis, men with oligozoospermia and couples with unexplained infertility. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine if an infertile couple has an abnormality known to cause infertility.

Infertility Testing

An infertility evaluation is quite simple and mostly non-invasive procedure to evaluate three major areas which include male factor, structural problems for the female and hormonal factors for the female.

The basic test workup at a fertility clinic in Siliguri includes a semen analysis, an ultrasound, an evaluation of the uterine cavity as well as the fallopian tubes and early cycle hormonal testing. There may be more tests involved but the ones mentioned above are the most basic ones. These tests can lead to a proper diagnosis prompting the doctors what it is that should be corrected.

Critical evaluation of the diagnosis of infertility

The classical criteria to determine how useful the diagnostic test include:

  • How sensitive the test is to false negatives
  • How specific the results of the test are
  • How invasive the test is(minimal is always preferred)
  • How complex the test is and the time it requires
  • How much the test costs
  • How useful the test is for a diagnosis

Ramkrishna IVF Centre is one of the best fertility clinics in Siliguri. Not only do we have a a high treatment success rate but we also have a high customer satisfaction rate owing to the excellent services provided by the team at Ramkrishna IVF.

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