Egg Donation

Egg Donation

Egg Donation - Infertile couples can contemplate about adopting an ovum from a fertile woman. The ovum can be fertilized with the male partner's sperm and then implanted in the receiver’s womb. This way, the couple can carry a baby that will have it's father's genes even when the mother is infertile & incapable of producing her own eggs.

Semen Donation And Banking

Semen Donation And Banking

Couples can donate or preserve their semen in our facility. This is generally done if the male partner is undergoing a certain medical treatment that might involve several risks regarding infertility. Hence, it is always wise to store on the semen beforehand so that getting pregnant during the later stages of life never becomes an issue.

Semen Analysis

Semen Analysis

Clinically known as seminogram, semen analysis examines the nature of the host’s sperm and factors related to it like sperm count, motility, volume, color, fructose level, pH level, morphology, liquefaction, and more.



It is a set of Ultrasound tests assigned to a female who is trying to conceive. The ultrasounds are designed to determine the production of eggs in the ovaries. This helps the infertility experts measure your chances of a successful pregnancy and prepare you accordingly.

Embryo Cryo-Preservation

Embryo Cryo-Preservation

We have a standard facility strictly regulated through scientific terms to make it adept for the storage and preservation of an embryo so that it can be conveniently implanted in the mother’s womb when she is physically & mentally prepared.

Endometrial Receptivity Array

Endometrial Receptivity Array

This procedure involves testing of the embryos for the presence of any potential genetic disease or anomaly. This helps in the pre-determination of risks that can be terminated before the procedure of implantation begins.



This procedure involves an ultrasound scanning of the fallopian tubes. It helps determine the presence of any intrauterine lesions, fibroid polyps that might be the cause of infertility. It also helps determine the patency of the fallopian tube.



It is a diagnostic procedure that involves an injection of a harmless dye through the cervix. If the dye fails to reach to the abdominal cavity through the fallopian tube, it indicates the presence of a blockage in the tube, which can be the prime reason for infertility in the host.

Embryo Transfer

Embryo Transfer

This refers to multiple "demonstrative" embryo implantations done inside the uterus to help it get ready for the actual implantation. This greatly improves the chances of a successful implantation followed by a healthy pregnancy term.

Endometrium Receptivity

Endometrium Receptivity

Analysis of the inner lining of the uterus to determine whether it is ready to receive a successful implantation of the blastocyst. This highly helps in studying the success rate of the IVF procedure that involves implantation of an embryo that has been fertilized through foreign assistance.